
McKool Smith’s litigators employ extensive experience representing plaintiffs and defendants in product liability, catastrophic injury, mass tort, MDLs, and class action litigation. Our team has served as trusted lead and co-counsel for Fortune 1000 companies and government entities in some of the largest, most complex bet-the-company cases.   

Product liability, personal injury, and toxic tort cases frequently turn on scientific or engineering issues and require facility with those disciplines. Our litigators leverage their knowledge of these varied fields and their access to, and application of, substantive resources. We partner with leading experts to introduce key evidence, elicit clarifying testimony, and cross-examine witnesses, effectively shaping strategy and influencing courtroom dynamics.  We also have a thorough understanding of the regulatory frameworks that apply to various businesses/industries.  Adept at examining the intersecting issues and reconstructing a complex chain of events, we bring energy and artistry to these high-stakes cases. 

Clients seek McKool Smith’s talent and experience to strategically manage multifaceted, consolidated, and large volume litigations with efficiency and thoughtfulness. Our lawyers excel at designing and executing comprehensive strategies to resolve mass litigations. While having obtained landmark settlements, we are also ready and prepared to take a case to trial.  In recent years, one of our clients – one of the world’s leading providers of climate control solutions – named McKool Smith its “Law Firm of the Year” for providing outstanding service and results while representing and successfully resolving their product liability class action case.

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