
Business relationships often shift with evolving market and/or cultural dynamics. These shifts can create professional liability controversies and negatively impact a company’s reputation, standing, and bottom line.  Our litigators’ experience on both sides of these issues gives us an insider’s perspective to successfully resolve disputes in our clients’ best interests.  We have defended businesses and corporate officers and have represented plaintiffs on issues ranging from malpractice and wrongdoing to breaches of fiduciary duty, fraud, and misrepresentation.

Our lawyers tackle claims of professional negligence, misconduct, conflicts in interest, and ethical or financial violations.  When it comes to demonstrating liability or poor judgment, we are willing and able to pursue significant matters against large companies or other lawyers/law firms.  Our litigators are also highly experienced in interpreting financial statements, audit procedures, structured financial products transactions, standards, and related reporting.  Whether focused on accounting or legal malpractice, we are willing and available to pursue or defend claims all the way to trial. 

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